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Here's How This Works...

1. We Send You A Boat-Load Of Leads

We send you 90+ hot, exclusive, motivated seller leads over the next 90 days.

We do this by using a brand new lead gen method we’ve tested and developed in all types of markets - high-priced and low-priced, hot and cold, all across the country.

We use the "White Coat Effect" in order to send you leads who are coming to see you as the doctor who can cure their disease.

Because we know that if you can get a huge flood of highly qualified motivated seller leads coming across your desk every single day, then everything else becomes a whole heck of a lot easier, doesn’t it?  

Whereas all the other wholesalers and investors are out there spending tens of thousands of dollars a month on 10 different marketing methods, or beating the streets day in and day out driving for dollars and putting out bandit signs on the side of the road...

You’ll have a nice, steady flow of motivated sellers coming into your inbox every single day without you lifting a finger.

Where are the leads located?

All over the U.S.  

Yes, these are all "virtual" deals.  We stopped focusing just on local houses a long time ago, and that has made all the difference in the world.

It's time to go "nationwide", baby!

Let me ask you something, if you had a $30,000 check waiting for you RIGHT NOW in a town that was 1,700 miles away from you, but you had to get there by the end of the day to collect it, would you figure out how to get there ASAP?

I hope you say yes.  

The good news is that you don't have to actually GO to that town to get it. We do everything over the internet now (kinda like how we buy nearly everything else over the internet now, too. Thank you, Amazon).

In fact, we just picked up a deal in Ty Ty, Georgia that we're planning to turn around and sell for a tidy $45,000 profit.  

Have you ever heard of Ty Ty, GA?  

I hadn't either. I had to look it up.

Maybe I'll go there some day.  

Eh... probably not.

2. We Show You Exactly How To Convert Those Leads Into Deals

We train & coach you on exactly how to convert the leads into signed contracts...

...All from the comfort of your home or office.

We give you the exact scripts and processes to use on the phone to convert a healthy percentage of those seller leads into deals without begging or trying to “convince” the seller to sell to you

The script does all the heavy lifting and basically negotiates the deal for you. If you can read a script over the phone and not sound like a complete idiot, this will work for you.

In addition to a private, members-only online training area, we will provide personal and direct coaching and guidance through weekly group calls and our private Facebook Group for clients-only.

What kinds of deals? All of them: wholesale, lease-option, subject-to, wraps, rehabs...

Whichever strategy puts the most money in your pocket with the least amount of effort, on a deal by deal basis.  

No need to use any pushy or manipulative sales techniques, spend hours building rapport with the seller, or throw out a ton of offers keeping your fingers crossed hoping some of them get accepted. 

Instead, we show you how to use our "Reverse Offer" strategy to get the seller to make an offer to YOU, and put you in the driver’s seat on the deal from start to finish.

We just put three deals under contract in the past WEEK alone using our method.  

And we don't even work on Sundays.

3. We Guide You All The Way To Payday

Whatever type of deal comes up, we will show you, train you, guide you, and coach you all the way through to payday. 

Whether it's a regular wholesale deal, lease-option, owner finance, subject-to, or fix-and-flip.

Because there's no point in signing up a deal if you can't sell it and turn it into profit for yourself. 

The way we do this business, this should be the easiest part of the whole process. 

We give you our entire "Property-Driven Marketing Process" that turns the table on the traditional wholesaling model. 

No need to build up any buyers list before you get a deal. 

Instead, we use the deal itself to build the buyers list on the fly. This is one of the reasons we're able to do deals nationwide. 

And then there's one more thing we do for you:

We GUARANTEE You Will Get A Deal

This is something no other company will do:

We will GUARANTEE that you get at LEAST one deal signed up from these 90+ leads we send to you.

Here's how this works:

If by the end of 90 days you haven't gotten AT LEAST ONE deal tied up with a purchase contract or lease-option contract...


Yes, that's right. 

If you've talked to NINETY SELLERS and it becomes clear that you suck so bad at this that you can't get a deal out of those 90 motivated seller leads, we will literally assign one of our own deals over to you as if you had gotten it yourself.

We will put our money where our mouth is.
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1. Generally Expected Results From Our Products/Services. For Testimonials we post on our site that are in the nature of "success story" or "best-case" scenario testimonials (as distinguished from subjective opinions), we have data that will substantiate the results and also provide statements of expected typical results we believe consumers will generally achieve with our product or service, and we will provide this information upon request - email and If you do not request substantiation data from us, you should assume that the results achieved by these testimonialists are the exception and not the rule, and for this reason, you should not expect to achieve the same level of results, or any positive results at all.

2. Subjective Opinion Testimonials We Post. For Testimonials we post on our site that are in the nature of subjective opinions, we do not independently verify, nor do we seek independent verification; however, to the best of our knowledge we believe the testimonialists are giving their honest opinions. If you're not sure regarding whether a particular testimonial is a "success story"/"best-case" scenario testimonial or a subjective opinion testimonial, email our compliance officer at the email address provided above and request clarification.

3. Blog Posts by Others. We do not independently verify, nor do we seek independent verification of comments and statements that may be posted by others in blog posts on this site regarding our website, its products or services. For this reason, if others post "success story" or "best-case" scenario testimonials or positive comments (as distinguished from subjective opinions), you should assume that the results achieved by these testimonialists are the exception and not the rule, and for this reason, you should not expect to achieve the same level of results, or any positive results at all.